Church and community slider - Asociación Vida Church and community While we serve uniting the churches we dream of transcending with development projects inspired by the Spirit of God ... See more... mobilization Life Services slider - Asociación Vida Medical, laboratory and With more than 20 years of serving the population of the department of Chimaltenango in health care, our goal is that people receive comprehensive care with the love of God. See more... pharmacy services Citizen Participation slider - Asociación Vida Citizen The Community Development Councils are communities organized within the framework of the social development laws, to constitute an instrument of participation and representation of the Maya, Xinca, Garifuna peoples and the non-indigenous population. See more... Participation

About Us

Professionals redeemed by Christ Jesus, demonstrating the love of God, serving in the clinic, the laboratory, the pharmacy, the production and distribution of purified water and leading the mobilization of the church and the MIC community.

Asociación Vida Patzún, Chimaltenango

History of Asociación Vida

Born in the bosom of the Evangelical University Group (GEU),there we learned that giving a bread to the hungry from the biblical point of view does not mean giving him a literal bread, but putting your profession at his service and attacking the causes of his poverty, and that was and is the purpose that …

Estufas Mejoradas

Integral Mission

In Asociación Vida we understand the integral mission as the call of God to his people to go and take the gospel and its implications to all areas of human life, beginning with the salvation that each individual needs and that is operated by the preaching and by the work of the Holy Spirit, to be…

Historia de Transformación- Asociación Vida

Transformation Stories

The divorce between the making of the church and the community is very marked in Guatemala, even though the Bible teaches us that the mission of the church is integral. A pastor of the “Mount Sinai” church of the Assemblies of God, named José Méndez Toj,  with 46 years of age, from the rural…

Video services Life Association

Life Association Services

With more than 20 years of serving the population of the department of Chimaltenango in health care, our goal is that people receive comprehensive care with the love of God, we work with honesty, ethics and high degree of commitment to provide quality medical services in one place.

Fundraising plans

Jesus prayed for the unity of his disciples, we join forces so that the world knows that Jesus is the son of God, who died for us, rose again and is now the Lord of history.


Help us help

At Asociación Vida, we are stewards of the resources that God provides, which we use to extend his Kingdom. We invite you to be part of the blessing of giving to the Lord for his work in this world.