Purified water health and life

Asociación Vida Patzún / Purified water health and life

Water Health and Life

Our objetive:

Show the kingdom of God through our services, creating extraordinary things together. John 10.10 Isaiah. 58

Obtained result:

Increase access to purified water, bringing health and nutrition to each family.

Stages of the current process:

  • Visit from house to house and reorganize routes.
  • Make permanent and creative advertising.
  • Systematize the attention of new and current distributors.
  • Provide popular education on the importance of drinking purified water, industrial or domestic.


 Pure Water Health and Life - Asociación Vida

Pure Water Health and Life – Asociación Vida


Pure Water Health and Life - Sachets

Pure Water Health and Life – Sachets


Agua Pura Salud y Vida - Comunidades

More information
  • Email: información.vida@gmail.com
  • Phone: (502) 78398475
  • Become an authorized dealer: WhatsApp (502) 5753-2578